Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday Praise!!

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Monday Praise

Each Monday we would live to share a praise report with you from either our now lives or our pasts. This will be a ‘God moment‘, a moment in our lives where we see God did something amazing in our times of need. Watch our blog each Monday for these stories, we hope you will be encouraged by them. Please comment on them and share your own ‘Monday Praise’!

- Stella and Rachel

Rachel’s Praise

“Days like these make me feel so down. I know there is light above in this whole we are in but it seems easier to lay on the cold, wet ground of this pit than to look up waiting in expectation for the help to arrive. I believe it will arrive but the waiting & wondering is getting to me. Troubles, stress and exhaustion of the soul seem to quickly overcome and threaten to burry me alive. Oh how I hate feeling this way. In my head I know that I serve a God who will NEVER leave me but in my heart & soul I feel like He might have. The top of this dark hole looks so far away from here. So I will look to scripture for the grace I need for another day and with that grace I will tackle whatever comes tomorrow. For one day tomorrow will hold the hope I have been waiting for!

Genesis 50:21

Then about a week ago a friend of ours from church called asking if we had any prayer requests and I told him about the car situation. He prayed with me specifically for us to find a new transmission for the car and for it to be fixed. I was a little surprised by the prayer because I had been praying “ oh God WHY now? Why must we add something else to our already stressed situation. But God I know you will take care of us and let your will be done!” I never asked God for what we really needed but this dear friend did and I am so thankful for his faith when my was weak. Because just days after we received that call for prayer, we received another call asking us how the car was running. We told them its not, its still at the shop awaiting money. So we called the shop and were informed it was all paid in advance for us by another dear friend and we would be aloud to wait and pay them back when our tax money came in. We couldn’t believe it! We had resolved that the car would be sitting there awhile until we could figure something out. But NO God had another plan and used his servant to perform it. God made a way and now the car is back out there making money for our family and we are once again reminded that our God cares and provides (Genesis 50:21)!

And that day did “hold the hope I have been waiting for” !

Stella's Praise

Give thanks to the Lord , for He is good; His love Endures forever
                                                                      1 Chronicles 16:34

My husband and I moved to a new state 7 months ago, and with three kids that is a lot of adjusting to do. New schools, new friends, new jobs, new grocery store, new library, and the list goes on and on! We have been on a roller coaster of change for 7 months and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to moving... For now anyway!

We are renovating a house we purchased in Dec and are just about ready to move in! We still have a lot of work ahead.. plenty of painting to do but i don't mind it. I look forward to getting back to our routines and feeling like we have a home again.. We love the temporary home we have had, but did our best not to get too comfortable because we knew we would be moving again. Through all of it our faith in our heavenly Father has been the only thing to get us through this crazy time for our family. My husband and I moved because we know it is where God has lead us for ministry, not because  we wanted to. The process has not been easy, we miss our families, our friends, our church, the safety and comfort we had. God has been nudging us ever so softly to move forward with boldness, and the faith that we are in His will. He has opened doors for opportunities that we have never even dreamed of! And I praise my God for that.

I have a passion for Gods word and the truth and power it holds! I love looking at each verse and digging deeper into there meaning.. This brings us to today's scripture...
              Give thanks to the Lord , for He is good; His love Endures forever.
If we break the last part down just a little bit the word "endures" really stands out to me. ... The verse could have just as easily read "His love is forever"
But it doesn't. It reads "endures forever"!
*The word endures means to sustain without impairment or yielding, to bear with great resistance and with patience.

Wow My father Loves us no matter what! I praise God for that simple yet powerful  promise, that even as we get wrapped up in our daily tasks that He still loves us. That He is patient and understanding. ., for Rachel and her family, and for you! He wants to use you, if you just let Him! Praise God for that! But going back to that verse, He is patient... But why? When I think about being patient I think of waiting! What could my God be waiting on?!

Could it be that He is waiting on us! To humble ourselves so that He can use us, to get to the point where we totally and completely have to trust in Him so he can work miracles in us, our lives and the lives of those around us! Wow He wants to use you!

So today I Praise God for having a plan for my life, for Rachel's life and for your life, no one is excluded! That my Sisters is something to be grateful for! :)

Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell all of his wonderful acts
1 Chronicles 16:9

Praise him for his mighty acts: Praise him according to his excellent greatness.
Psalm 150:2

Now therefore, do not be afraid. I will provide for and support you and your little ones. And he comforted them [imparting cheer, hope, strength] and spoke to their hearts [kindly].

Job 11:18
And you shall be secure and feel confident because there is hope; yes, you shall search about you, and you shall take your rest in safety.

Job 17:15
Where then is my hope? And if I have hope, who will see [its fulfillment]?

Psalm 9:18
For the needy shall not always be forgotten, and the expectation and hope of the meek and the poor shall not perish forever.

The above was part of my journal entry a few weeks ago, the day my husbands car transmission went out. This is his work car. I call it the money maker, good on gas and hasn’t had expensive issues. Then all of the sudden without any warning signs his car would start but is stuck in neutral. We of course were hoping it was something like a wire came off or something simple but that was not to be! The quote came back at least $1000, which is not money we have lying around. Our financial place has been very rough the past few years, even though God always seems to make a way for just enough and provide when things are most needed. This you will see in the rest of this story. Knowing we could do nothing at this time, we prayed and left it at that.


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Our Family before Juliana
My name is Rachel, I am a follower of Jesus Christ and a daughter of the most-high God! I am learning each day to draw closer to my Father and to follow His words. God has given me a marvelous, designed just for me, Husband. We have shared 8 years as man and wife and are looking forward to the years ahead. Upon becoming his wife I also became the step mother of two beautiful daughters that I have been blessed to see grow into the young women they are today. Together my husband JJ and I have been blessed with four amazing children: James Noah is our oldest, he is our strong willed leader with a very tender heart! Jasmine Nadia is our second born and is our wild princess with the power to debate her cause like none other. Colin Jacob is about to celebrate his 2nd birthday and our sweet, happy bear cub "most of the time", meaning when he is getting his way. Our newest addition is our little Juliana Grace she is our strong and peaceful angel. I enjoy many things including helping my children grasp the truth of our Savior, reading, researching, singing, many different types of music, spending time with my husband and children, nurturing my close friendships, meeting new people, traveling, missions and even a little crocheting, sewing and baking. I am a second generation homeschooler. I was public schooled, christian schooled and homeschool but found my place and peace in being homeschool and graduated as a homeschooler. I find great joy passing this onto my children and it is so great to see my children learn new things! Many ups and downs have brought us to this time in our lives and we are very excited to see what God has instore for our futures! We are enjoying the season we are in and are looking ahead to living the dreams God has placed in our hearts!

Rachel Taylor

My Boys Collin and Noah
Our Family's newest addition!




I am a very blessed woman, who wants nothing more than the will of God for my life and for my family! My name is Stella and I am married to the most amazing man that I know. We have been married for over 9 years, and we have 3 wonderful children, Zia our witty, intelligent 11 year old, Alyssa our big hearted 7 year old and Landon my snuggling 5 year old.  My husband and I have been through a great deal during our marriage. Our latest undertaking has been our move to another state and purchase and renovation of our new home. I am a homemaker, my husbands helper,  "Momma" to my kids, family chef, laundry master, photographer on the side, blogger by night, who wants nothing more than to do what Jesus did And expand the kingdom of God, Whew, with that said I know my co-blogger and beautiful friend Rachel also has a heart and passion for the things of God and my prayer is that we can form a place where you can seek a little light for the path God has set us on! I am truly excited to see what God in store for my family Rachel's family and yours as we invite you to share this journey with us. Be blessed!

Stella King


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We are also excited to hear about what is doing in your life! 
Rachel and Stella