Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday Praise ~ God's Protection

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                                                           He guards the paths of justice,
                                                      And preserves the way of His saints.

                                                                         Proverbs 2:8

  This verse means a lot to me today after an ordeal in our neighborhood last night. JJ had decided that he would like to stay home and spend some time with Colin and Juliana and that I should take Noah and Jasmine to our church's family fun night. We had eaten our meal and were getting ready to watch a puppet show when I noticed that I had received several phone calls and texts on my silenced phone. Seeing who had made the phone calls I knew it had to be important and returned the call quickly. It was then I found out there was a fire at our neighbors home and that the person who called me was desperate to make sure our family was ok.

  After talking with her I then called my husband who hadn't known anything was happening till his brother called him. Somehow loud sirens and even a small explosion hadn't reached the ears of my husband or babies (actually little girl slept soundly until I arrived home). By this time the fire had been put out and we were able to get some details on the story. The house is an apartment house where two families were living. The upstairs family: grandpa, daughter and grand-daughter had just left and soon after an electrical fire started and even cause an explosion that broke out all the windows and shot flames. This all happen on the side of the house, farthest from ours and did a little damage to the house next to them on that side. Had the explosion happen on the other side of the house, 0ur home being very close to theirs, would have been effected and the fire may have spread. BUT GOD was looking out for everyone and everyone, including both families were able to come out of it safe. God knew that our little Juliana was upstairs sleeping and kept our home safe. Yes they have lost their home and much of their material possessions but their lives were able to see the light of morning. Please keep both families in prayer. The family living downstairs has a mom, dad, blind grandmother and two little girls. Much of their stuff was ruined by smoke and water damage. Also pray for their salvation for as far as we know none of them know Jesus as Savior!

   The night before when I was tucking Juliana into bed I sang her a song that seems so appropriate to share with you now. Read the words and remember God and His angels are looking out for you. Ask for His protection and lean on His wisdom, even when you might not understand it! God Bless you all this night and remember to tell God THANK YOU for all that He is!


Lyrics to Angels Watching (Over Me) :
All day, all night,
Angels watching over me, my Lord.
All day, all night,
Angels are watching over me.

Sun is setting in the West;
Angels watching over me, my Lord.
Come now child, and take your rest;
While angels are watching over me.

All day, all night,
Angels watching over me, my Lord.                    
All day, all night,
Angels are watching over me.

Now I lay me down to sleep,
Angels watching over me, my Lord.
Pray the Lord my soul to keep,
while Angels are watching over me
All day, all night,
Angels watching over me, my Lord.
All day, all night,
Angels are watching over me.

Sun is setting in the West;
Angels watching over me, my Lord.
Come now child, and take your rest;
While angels are watching over me.

All day, all night,
Angels watching over me, my Lord.
All day, all night,
Angels are watching over me.

Now I lay me down to sleep,
Angels watching over me, my Lord.
Pray the Lord my soul to keep,
while Angels are watching over me

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Light through Literature

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Light through Literature

Good morning ladies and welcome to a new week! My dear friend Stella and I both enjoy reading and God has used literature to enhance our lives and help us grow many times. We would like to share this journey of reading with you, so today we will begin a new dimension of our blog called "Light through Literature". Not only has God given us His spoken, holy word, The Bible but He has used people throughout history to share words that can also lead us down the path He wants us to take in life or remind us where we should be. Reading the right words at the right moment can be like a refreshing wind to our souls. Below are some interesting facts I found about reading. I do hope that if you fall into these categories that you will step beyond them to a new path of learning and enjoyment!

  • One-third of high school graduates never read another book for the rest of their lives.
  • 58% of the US adult population never reads another book after high school.
  • 42% of college graduates never read another book.
  • 80% of US families did not buy or read a book last year.
  • 70% of US adults have not been in a bookstore in the last five years.
  • 57% of new books are not read to completion.
- I found the information at Dan Poynter’s All figures are from the United States

All of that said we would like to invite you now to read a book along with us. We plan to chose a book periodically and extend an invitation for you to read along with us. Being our first book we aren't sure how this will all go. We may make posts about the book as we go and we may just review it at the end. We would love to hear your thoughts on the books as you read along with us. We would also love your suggestions for other readings. To share on this subject just comment under this post or email us at

So now onto the book of choice. For our first reading we have chose to read a book that has recently also been made into a movie. So if you haven't watched the movie WAIT and read the book with us first. If you have watched the movie READ the book anyways, the book is always better than the movie! The book we will be reading is THE VOW. "In The Vow, the Carpenters share their story of how, against enormous odds, they stuck together, fell in love again, and kept the marriage vows they'd made to each other. They also share their Christian faith, and how it sustained them through their most difficult times" (this is taken from the description of the book). We are very excited about this reading and hope you will join us! If you click on the name of the book above in purple it will take you to a link where you can purchase the book or you can also find it at your local Walmart or Bookstore. We will begin reading this book Wednesday February 29, 2012 so go grab your copy of the book quickly so you will be ready to start! Watch for more posts soon and God Bless each of you!

The Vow: The True Events That Inspired the Movie   -     
        By: Kim Carpenter, Krickitt Carpenter, John Perry

~ Rachel Taylor

Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday Praise Thank you for your voice Father -Stella

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Now therefore, listen to me, my children, For blessed are those who keep my ways.
Proverbs 8:32

There is so much to praise My God for today it is so hard to narrow it down.. So how about we just praise Our God that He is still Speaking to us. 

My husband and have been praying for God to reveal His will for our family for a long time. Over the last 10 years God has been preparing us, and molding us to do his work and will. He has shifted our family and taken us from one state to another and we know that the time is now. The one thing that is still a struggle at times is timing. Not His timing, because His timing is perfect but our timing. 

My husband and I have been in what seems like the middle of a house renovation for years, even tho it has only been 2 months. So basically our days are full and maxed out!! We are so grateful that God has provided this house for us, provided for the move, for the renovations, for the strength, and peace in the middle of the transition. God is our source of life!! As "Humans" we tend to see what God is doing in the now.. like we are still renovating our house, we are still getting to know the state and city He has moved us to and so on. Our God sees past the now into the future.

During this time God has continued to speak to us about our family, children, ministry, and all the tasks He is preparing us to do. So He speaks to me when I am doing the dishes, running errands, He speaks to me in my dreams, and when I am doing laundry. At times he comforts me, at times He loves on me, at times He corrects me, at times He is giving me details about our ministry. and I admit sometime I wanna scream and remind Him (as if didn't already know) that we are still renovating, we have to get things out of storage, carpool, paint, rent the moving truck, move, organize, fill out paperwork, etc.... All while fasting, praying, reading our bibles, teaching our children, praying and reading with them as well.  Ahhhh! 

I have to stop and remember that as I sat there and wondered about the roof over my head, God had already taken care of it.

That as I wondered about the school for my kids, God had already lined it up.

That as we sat and wondered how we were to pay for the bills next month, God has already provided it.. 

That as you think about your daily life God has already seen it and taken care of it..

So what He is waiting on is for us to stop sitting there and wondering, and get up and work and move forward as if it was already done. Because what moves Him is not our daily struggles.. Yes He hears us, but He wants us to have Faith in Him.. He has already taken care of it.. what moves Him is His kingdom. He has work for us to do!! So as we live our daily lives don't worry and just continue to listen to God because He is speaking, He is telling you things that will impact and change lives. He is telling the secrets to success, He is giving you light for your feet, He is guiding your path!! 

So yes we are still raising our kiddos and renovating our house, but I am listening closely to all He is saying and writing it all down (I recommend journaling) Because just as he molded our family for this move.. I praise My heavenly Father because He wants to use me and my family, I praise Him because He is still speaking and that means my time here is not done, I still have a job to do, I still have a fight to fight and a race to run! I can't wait for eternity with my heavenly Father.. But while I am still In the earth I have WORK!! Praise God!!  


If you struggle with hearing from God please email me at 
It's something I struggled with for a while and I believe almost every Christian does too. So please there is no wrong question or concern.  

I also invite you to comment if this blog and post has helped you in any way, and share this blog with everyone.. We all need a little light for our Path.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

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Life, Death and Birth

Today, February 18th will always be a special day for me full of new experiences, memories and longing.

Two years ago today around 2 a.m. I awoke from a deep sleep in pain and realized I was having contractions back to back. Immediately my thoughts started to rush in, this baby I was caring was coming a month early (just as my first born had done), we were having a horrible ice storm when i went to bed, the hospital was 20 minutes away in good weather, and most of all I did not want to deliver this baby in our van! I quickly awoke my husband and had him call my step mom who lived a block away from us so she could come stay with the kids. Then we called my best friend and birth coach to come over. Once they arrived at our home I was barely able to move or talk. As soon as my friend arrived she gave her opinion on how fast the labor was and we decided that it would be best to make this a home birth (which we had discussed before but never could decide if it would be a good option for us). My friend had her four children at home delivered by her mom who is a home birth midwife, so we called her and she was quickly on her way to our house. Surprisingly to me baby waited long enough for the midwife to arrive and to get ready. This would be my third birth and second naturally without medication and first at home. There was no time to be worried or to stress over things it was time to get to work. After a little pushing the words came, its a boy! Soon my little one was in my arms, healthy and so beautiful. Colin Jacob was born at 4:10 a.m. weighing 6 lbs. 7 oz. (my largest baby to date). Colin is interpreted 'bear cub' so now that is my personal nick name for him. After examining him we realized that there were no signs of premature birth like there had been with my first born and since the doctor kept changing the due date we decided he must of been around 37-38 weeks gestation instead of at the possible 35 weeks. So thankful for God's constant watch over us all!

After a birth then comes the fun of sharing the news of the birth with family and friends. I reached for my phone and began to look up a moms number. To most of you that would the first phone call you would make if your mother had not been with you already. But for me I was to set aside the phone and hold my baby a little closer to me  and try to find a way to deal with the gladness that came with the birth of my son and the sadness that his grandma would not get to hold him. Three months earlier my mom had been sick with bronchitis that she couldn't seem to shake and after trying to fight it for awhile was finally admitted into the hospital. The night she was admitted I talked to her on the phone and that is the last time I heard her voice. Later that night her pulse ox. dropped drastically and she had a heart attack, she was then life flighted to a larger hospital. My siblings (except for our little sister who was only 8 and wasn't aloud in the hospital because of the H1NI outbreak) and aunts spent 13 days at the hospital where she was treated for H1N1 and Viral Pneumonia. I was only aloud to see her through glass because of her condition and mine (pregnant as I was they really didn't even want me in the hospital). As the days wore on our hope that she would recover grew thin. On November 16, 2009 we began our "good byes" and "we miss you's" that I guess will never stop until we are able to say "hello" to her in Heaven one day! I miss her daily but it seems like days like that when my little Colin was born almost 3 months after her death and days like today where we are getting ready to celebrate his birthday that the missing and longing is much more intense.

A lot of my extended family are gone now and it seems lonely somedays. No mom to call and chat with, no grandparents to gain wisdom from but God's comfort is there in those times and He seems to send exactly what I need on those days. This world is not my home though and I rest assured in the saving power of Jesus that one day I will be in Heaven with him and all my loved ones. Sad as this post might seem I can find peace and joy in the life that Jesus offers us. Because of his LIFE, DEATH and RESURRECTION we can all have REBIRTH through Him and have LIFE eternal with Him. We all know that life is a cycle and that if we are born one day we will also die. Life can be very short sometimes so it is good to know the truth and except it quickly. Live that truth to the fullest in whatever life span you are given and the rewards of peace, joy and love will be great!

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16

In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going."

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 
Romans 10:9

Saturday, February 11, 2012

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My Season Now ~ Stella

As I mention before my season right now is full of changes. So when truly evaluating what my season is right now it was hard to focus on one thing or one area. Did I look at my spiritual season, or my season as a wife, mother daughter, friend, work, or ministry!? The options are overwhelming. But after giving it some thought and talking to my husband,  realized I am in a building season.

Not only are we building a home, but I am...

Building my faith- I am digging deeper into Gods word than ever before, and trusting Him with my entire life!
Building my husband up - more than ever as he is leading our family through so much change, letting him know I trust him, I believe in him and deeply love and respect him.
Building up my children -holding them close, daily loving on them, teaching them about our heavenly father, and teaching them how to build up their own faith and how they too can dig deeper.
Building a new home- with all the changes in our lives the last year I am excited to be done with our new home. I do love seeing my husband teach my oldest hot to drill, nail, and  measure things. I love how my daughter offer to help with any task no matter how big or small, and I love watching my youngest make a fort with! I must say it is a family event!
Building a ministry- Seeing what God has planned come to pass and being able to see more of the big picture of His vision, His purpose and how He is using my family is breathtaking. It's only the beginning too so I am looking forward to seeing what else is in store.
Building a business- for many years I have had a passion for photography, and  I am happy to finally venture and start my own photography business.. Not to mention my husbands business which he just received his license approval for... yeah!
Building on relationships- I must say I miss my Mommy! She is still in Ohio and I talk to her more now than when I lived a few doors down from her. She is such an inspiration to me.  This also goes for building  friendships. As I was painting for hours yesterday I made a list of about 20 people God placed on my heart to call. I can't wait to call them and see how they are doing, and what our God has done in their lives. Like my dear friend Wendy who has been praying with her husband for an adoption of 2 beautiful little girls and the official date is this month! How excited to rejoice with them I this time!
And last but NOT least...
Building the kingdom of GOD! For what other purpose are we actually here for...

So as I sit back and reflect...I guess I have to say that we should never be done with a season of building. Because we should always be growing and building something! Some of these things are ones we write in permanent marker on our indefinite TO DO list.. Such as building the kingdom of God! The rest are ones that will be marked off and eventually added back on.  I wrap this post up (I have a lot of painting to do today) by asking you to now evaluate what your season is... What are you building this season?!...
I can't help and wonder what God will have me build in this next season, but for now I will just enjoy what He has me building I this one.

My God bless you in every season of your life.

He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock.  Luke 6:48 (NKJV)

Monday, February 6, 2012

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Monday Praise


Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
                                             Romans 8:26-28

 Here in Romans 8, God's word tells us that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us even when we don't know what to pray. He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. Because its GOD'S WILL we can know that ALL things will work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose.

I can recall many times in my life where I know that I wanted to talk to God about an issue but just couldn't seem to find the words. My soul ached so deeply that nothing would come. I could only cry out, "God help me!" Its so wonderful to know that God's Spirit gives Him those messages and interprets those for us. Its great to know that God's will is the best and it will be done because I know my human mind would get in the way and mess things all up! Many times when there is an issue I will spend much time in thought trying to think of the many and best ways the problem could be solved and even how other people will react. Even though I know in my heart that is SO foolish! Who am I to know anything? In truth I know NOTHING compared to God, I don't know peoples hearts and how they will react, only God can know those things.

My example is my praise for this week. In comparison to many of things I or you may have experienced in life this might seem really small. But this is what we (actually my husband) needed right now.

A few weeks ago we learned that there was going to be a mens conference at our church that was going to include a trip to the Football Hall of Fame. Right away my husband was excited but after looking at the cost involved we knew it would be difficult to pull it off. My dear husband wasn't even going to sign up for it but knowing how much he would enjoy it and could use the time in worship and fellowship with his brothers in the faith, I signed him up. As I wrote down his name I prayed "God, I don't know how but if this is your will please make it happen". I told my husband that I signed him up and he didn't say much. That day I put back a dollar I had in a jar and decided that would be the first dollar for his trip. I was able to save a littlle and after counting it one day right away a need arose and their went my savings. I was heart broken because I wanted to do this for him so much. Then I remembered my prayer. Again I sent a few words to God, "Your will my Lord!"

A week or so passed and nothing was working out. Then a phone call came from a friend from our church asking if JJ would be able to get the days of the Men's Conference off and I told him yes. He then informed me that the cost of my husband going was paid in full! (I love the ways God gets us messages!) WOW!! Thank you GOD! Thank you to whomever made this trip for him possible, thank you for listening to God!  Because of your obedience a prayer was answered.

This is a wonderful reminder that God is working out things in the heavenly places and in the hearts of men everyday! When we choose to listen to what God is saying and where He is leading great things can happen! To close this praise I want to share my beginning verse with you again but this time its the Message version. It shines some more light on the greatness of God. I hope this little story put some faith in you for your need, remember God is ALWAYS with you!

 "Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good." Romans 8:26-28 The Message

Let God's promises shine on your problems.  ~Corrie Ten Boom

Thursday, February 2, 2012

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            Being confident of this, that He who began a good work
                        in you will carry it on to completion until
                                       the day of Christ Jesus
                                                Philippians 1:6
Stella and I decided to each write on the season we are in RIGHT now! Not where we’ve been or where we desire to be in the future but the here and now! This question scared me a little because I knew it would mean being VERY honest with myself. I have had to ask myself questions like “am I where I ‘thought’ I’d be at this point in my life?” and “am I where I ‘want’ to be right now?”. Also I needed to ask myself "am I where God wants me to be!"
Honestly at first I wanted to say NO to all of those questions. Why? Because what instantly came to mind are all the things that aren’t the way I ‘think’ they should be. Some things aren’t the way I ‘want’ them to be. But then I was reminded that we are supposed to learn contentment (which God is convicting me of like He has before). Truth be told many of the things that are not the way I ‘think’ and ‘want’ them to be may not be the way God KNOWS they should be! Then there are other things that are just in the process of getting to where they should be and those things take time and patience (which I am not great at).
So after a little bit of prayer and confession I thought about those above questions again. Am I where I want to be, am I where God wants me to be and the answer is whole heartily, YES! Yes, this is what I prayed for as a young teenage girl! I prayed that God would allow me to be the wife, lover, and helpmate to a man who loves God with all his heart, who works hard to take care of those he loves and who gives love generously! - and that is exactly what I have in my James! Yes, again because God granted me what I thought I may never be able to have, children! Eight wonderful children! Two step daughters who are daily teaching me about God’s love even when they don’t know it! Four children that God has granted me the chance to hold, to love and to cherish; two handsome young men and two beautiful daughters! Then there are my two heavenly babes, sleeping sweetly in the arms of Jesus.
So my season now, is just right here where I am me, the lady God created & gifted me to be! I am Rachel Lynn Taylor a daughter who cherishes he father and her dear step-mother and daily mourns the loss of her mother, yet rejoices that Heaven is her home. I am the oldest sister to four younger siblings, whom I love, stress over, pray blessings on, and even cry tears for. I am wife to the man God designed just for me! Only He knew our two very different lives would match up SO well! I am mother, nurturer, life giver and guide to the special children God has so greatly blessed me with. I am a second generation Home School mom that is moment by moment taking on the task of teaching, discipline, leading and constantly praying over her children believing God will get deep into their souls and spirits. I am friend and hopefully a light guiding others to Jesus. I am lady who is going after some dreams and goals God has put deep inside of her, goals that will allow me to show my creativity, do things I enjoy and help our family prosper. I am a woman who desperately and passionately needs God’s direction and help in every part of her life. But most of all I am a daughter of the most high God, servant of His, hoping that all I do will glorify Him.
           Today I am just me, a girl who is SO happy that God is NOT finished with me YET!
                             Some silly faces at my brothers wedding. This was taken just weeks
                                                after we welcomed Juliana into our family