My determined purpose is that I may know Him, that I may progressively
become acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and
understanding the wonders of His person.
Philippians 3:10
Today I was thinking of Gods goodness and how His blessings come in so many forms! I had an awesome phone conversation with an old friend last night and it was just what I needed. As she shared her God given dream with me I began to see the wonderful impact her dream and ministry will bring to the women she comes in contact with. How it would not only better their lives but the lives of future generations!
I began to think about the ways that God has spoken to me lately and in the past, and I thought about one moment where I just knew God was getting my attention with His awesome sense of humor! It's a funny story I want to share with you tonight.
A few years ago I was at a weekend conference, I went because my registration was already paid for but my mind was just not in it. I was having some struggles at the time and had a lot on my mind. During the conference there was a lot of down time and breaks in which I choose to just sit and pray. I was talking to my Father about these struggles, I asked for peace and confirmation on the choices my husband and I were about to make.
Something I thought about during that weekend was a short 58 page book I had just read by Beth Moore titled "Discovering God's Purpose for Your Life". She wrote about how she always asks God to show off for her. She gives a beautiful example about a safari she and her husband went on and how they wanted to see giraffes and she told God "Show off for me!" "I tell you what Lord, if You'll show off for me, if You'll delight me, I promise You I will jump up and down." She stated how she believes the more you applaud God, the more he comes in for the encore! So while on they safari when a giraffe appeared they did just that and praised Him for it and just as they praised 15 more giraffes came in! Wow needless to say that book was fresh on my mind that weekend!
So during the conference they gave away door prizes, and very early on Friday one of these door prizes was a black leather purse! Now now beloved women when are we not in the market for a new purse!?! so of course while I prayed I paused and said to God.. "now Father I will not be upset one bit if you decide to bless me with a new purse because as you know I am in need of one!" (by the way I had borrowed a purse from my sister for that weekend). So I challenged God to Show off for me! The name was called and I was not the winner.. So I told God I understood and continued my previous prayer. The next day I found it just as hard to concentrate on the conference with everything on my mind. I prayed all day long about the transition taking place in our home, and by the end of the night I was begging God for confirmation on our next move. My husband and I were not willing to make another move with out God!
So I sat there counting down the minutes until the conference was over so I could rush home to my husband, when the last door prize was announced, a brown leather purse. I thought about the previous night and laughed at my self. How silly was I, but just as I thought about that my name was flashed on the screen! Yes I won the purse.. as my friends pushed me to go pick it up I walked up in total shock! Tears began to roll down my face as I was handed the purse. As I returned to my seat I could not stop the tears, when a woman behind me congratulated me on winning the purse and commented how she had never seen someone so happy to have won a purse. I laughed and sat there and told the two rows around my how it had nothing to do with the purse but the fact that my God had just shown off for me!!.
My Father knew I would Love Him weather or not I won that purse but He showed off for me and let me win just because He can!! I had a few of the woman crying that night, and I still laugh thinking about it. But I rejoiced in just the mere way my God can show off. Later that night I discovered the bag was a Francesco Biasia bag worth $700... not bad I guess considering I had never heard of the brand before or since then to be honest. I still have that purse it's one of my favorites. He was telling me that night that all is taken care of, and then some, and that He is waiting to show off in all areas of my life if I just believe and ask it of Him.

So please read the verse above again and perceive it! Apply it to your everyday life and by all means ask God to show off!