Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday Praise... Giraffes & a Brown Leather Purse

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My determined purpose is that I may know Him, that I may progressively
 become acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and 
understanding the wonders of His person.  
Philippians 3:10

Today I was thinking of Gods goodness and how His blessings come in so many forms! I had an awesome phone conversation with an old friend last night and it was just what I needed.  As she shared her God given dream with me I began to see the wonderful impact her dream and ministry will bring to the women she comes in contact with. How it would not only better their lives but the lives of future generations!

I began to think about the ways that God has spoken to me lately and in the past, and I thought about one moment where I just knew God was getting my attention with His awesome sense of humor! It's a funny story I want to share with you tonight.

A few years ago I was at a weekend conference, I went because my registration was already paid for but my mind was just not in it. I was having some struggles at the time and had a lot on my mind. During the conference there was a lot of down time and breaks in which I choose to just sit and pray. I was talking to my Father about these struggles, I asked for peace and confirmation on the choices my husband and I were about to make.

Something I thought about during that weekend was a short 58 page book I had just read by Beth Moore titled "Discovering God's Purpose for Your Life".  She wrote about how she always asks God to show off for her. She gives a beautiful example about a safari she and her husband went on and how they wanted to see giraffes and she told God "Show off for me!"  "I tell you what Lord, if You'll show off for me, if You'll delight me, I promise You I will jump up and down." She stated how she believes the more you applaud God, the more he comes in for the encore! So while on they safari when a giraffe appeared they did just that and praised Him for it and just as they praised 15 more giraffes came in! Wow needless to say that book was fresh on my mind that weekend!

So during the conference they gave away door prizes, and very early on Friday one of these door prizes was a black leather purse! Now now beloved women when are we not in the market for a new purse!?! so of course while I prayed I paused and said to God.. "now Father I will not be upset one bit if you decide to bless me with a new purse because as you know I am in need of one!" (by the way I had borrowed a purse from my sister for that weekend). So I challenged God to Show off for me! The name was called and I was not the winner.. So I told God I understood and continued my previous prayer. The next day I found it just as hard to concentrate on the conference with everything on my mind. I prayed all day long about the transition taking place in our home, and by the end of the night I was begging God for confirmation on our next move. My husband and I were not willing to make another move with out God!

So I sat there counting down the minutes until the conference was over so I could rush home to my husband, when the last door prize was announced, a brown leather purse. I thought about the previous night and laughed at my self. How silly was I, but just as I thought about that my name was flashed on the screen! Yes I won the purse.. as my friends pushed me to go pick it up I walked up in total shock! Tears began to roll down my face as I was handed the purse. As I returned to my seat I could not stop the tears, when a woman behind me congratulated me on winning the purse and commented how she had never seen someone so happy to have won a purse. I laughed and sat there and told the two rows around my how it had nothing to do with the purse but the fact that my God had just shown off for me!!.

My Father knew I would Love Him weather or not I won that purse but He showed off for me and let me win just because He can!! I had a few of the woman crying that night, and I still laugh thinking about it. But I rejoiced in just the mere way my God can show off. Later that night I discovered the bag was a Francesco Biasia bag worth $700... not bad I guess considering I had never heard of the brand before or since then to be honest. I still have that purse it's one of my favorites. He was telling me that night that all is taken care of, and then some, and that He is waiting to show off in all areas of my life if I just believe and ask it of Him.

So do I feel that we all need to ask Him for a new purse.. No lol. However I ask we all evaluate what areas in our lives are in need of some showing off. God is willing and able.. but He can't show off until we ask! He craves to show off for us. He wants to delight us, if only we believe!

So please read the verse above again and perceive it! Apply it to your everyday life and by all means ask God to show off!


Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Vow - Book Review

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The Vow
LFWP Book Review

Review Questions
1. Did you learn anything in the book that we could apply to our everyday lives?

Rachel: Hard times come to us all, they will pull you down and there will be times where you feel you won't survive but GOD will pull you through! Its not about the problem, its how you handle the problem!

Stella: Not only is Gods word a powerful thing, but our words are also. If we don't have Gods word in our life, as law, as truth then its easy to break a promise, covenant, or commitment. In order for any relationship to withstand all seasons, you must have Gods word in you. 

2. Would you recommend this book?

Rachel: I would definantly recommend this book, I believe this book shows what marriages around us are lacking...commitment and faith in God.

Stella: Yes I would, I believe it serves as an example of a what real commitment is and the benefits of being in Gods word and of what God can do in your life if you choose to do things His way. It may not always be the easiest way but it is the best and the most rewarding. 

3. Was it an easy read?

Rachel: The book was easy to follow. There were a few parts hard for me to read, not because of wording but because of emotions that crept up.

Stella: It was an easy read, they did a great job in making you understand something that is almost unimaginable to me.  

4. Was God glorified?

Rachel:  I believe God was glorified in the lives of this couple and in their writings. Purity was held as a high standard, Faith in an all knowing, loving, caring God was shown, and a glimpse of the strength God can perform through us was in each chapter.

Stella: Absolutely, in many different ways too. However my favorite is the reminder that God's ways are not our ways and that His plans are not our plans but they are the best.  I'm sure we all have plans and thoughts about how our lives should pan out but His ways are so much better and the Carpenters story is a reminder of that for me. 

5. One point or quote from the book that inspired or touched you.  

Rachel: "Hope, is always in short supply and high demand" (Chapter 9). Each day we have a choice to offer hope to those around us or to continue in our lives of dispair. Hope gives life and despair gives death. I choose to give life!

Stella: "I had to re-discover what it was about Kim I had fallen in love with before. I can't remember what it was like the first time, but I'm guessing that this time my love has grown in a different way- not that "fluffy" romantic love but more of a conscious choice".  Every relationship wheather it be with a spouse, our children or even friends and family takes work. Some are easier than others but they all go through rough seasons at some point, and it is in those times that loving one another is a choice! John 13: 34-35 says “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another

The real Kim and Krickett Carpenter

Let us know your thoughts on the book if you have read it or if this review helped you in any way. Be Blessed! 

 ~Rachel & Stella~

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Monday Praise

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When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.  And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.
                                                                     Acts 2:1-4 

You know that feeling you get when 'something' is telling you to not do something or to talk to someone? You know when 'something' is urging you to not say something you shouldn't? Or when you are in a difficult moment there is just 'something' telling you that you can do it!  Well it isn't just 'something'! Some people may call it your conscience. The definition for conscience is the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one's conduct or motives, impelling one toward right action. Well what is that really? Its really the Holy Spirit of God trying to urge you, lead you, guide you, and comfort you.

The Holy Spirit was given to us as a gift that conects us to God in a special way. Each time we hear it though, we must make the choice to listen to it or push it aside! Please realize that the Holy Spirit is there to help you & to comfort you. He is an important part in your relationship with God. But know that if you chose not to listen you are pushing him away and your heart will begin to become hard and calosed. A calous is like that hand of a hard working laborer. You can put a needle far into him hand and he won't be bothered. But poke that same needle into the hand of a young child and you will hear very quickly that they felt it! Maybe this is another example of how we must be like a child to enter the kingdom of God. A young child who has not yet been hardeded by the troubles of life or who has been taught to give them over to God will show unconditional love to those around him and wil have faith in God no matter what. To function properly as a loving, caring, fruit - filled person you need your heart to be soft and inviting not a brick wall that people run into.

How can we soften our hearts once they become hard? Begin to feed your heart love! Read the gospels (even if you have before) and allow the truth of what Jesus did for you while you were yet in sin really sink into that heart of yours! Read Psalms and find comfort there. Read Proverbs and find wisdom for your life. Feed your heart by worshiping God! Open your mouth and thank Him for what he is done, say out loud who He is to you! Then find ways to reach out to others! It is so true that "a hurt people, hurt people" but if a person will give that hurt over to Jesus then that hurt person can actually help heal other people. Jesus wants you to give over your pain to Him so he can redeem it, and set you free! Carrying hurt and unforgiveness only leads to more pain for you not the person you won't forgive! "Forgive or what they did to you will eat up your today & tomorrow. Don't forgive because they deserve it or because they are nice but because you need peace & strength for today". Forgive because your Heavenly father graciously forgave you! Begin doing these things and you will once again hear the Holy Spirit speak to you but this time LISTEN! Listen and obey quickly! Do not hestitate, to not wonder about what might happen, surrender to Jesus!

Know that God has the best plan for your destiny and He wants more than anything to lead you into it and help you fulfil it. But you must have faith in His plan and surrender to Him. Don't have pride that says " I can handle this on my own" for we were not made to handle this world on our own. Independance is a lie of Saten and a trick of the world. God doesn't want us to be dependant, loners! He created us as social being mostly to learn to rely on Him and his plan but also to comune with others! Every single step in life, every decision, every goal and plan should be driected by the one who created us, who created EVERYTHING!

Today is our "Monday Praise" here on Light for a Woman's Path. My praise today is a thank you to my Heavenly Father for knowing that I would need His presence even when I can't see him or feel Him with my natural body. I thank him for giving me the Holy Spirit! This week I have got to see His Holy Spirit at work more than I have for awhile. I had let life get in the way of me seeing His work and hearing His leading. This week I was often led to listen to different Pastors speak and could feel God's Holy Spirit raise up and me and convict me and speak to me. I saw the Holy Spirit reveal to us something that might seem so minimal to some but was huge to us and right when we needed it through an experience with our cat! I saw the Holy Spirit working when my husband said hi to a friend as he was picking up his son from school. I saw Him at work as my husband and this man began to minister strength to each others spirits. I saw the Holy Spirit at work when someone stopped by and invited my husband to a church service and when he came home renewed and strengthen. 

God really desires to be intimate with His children if we would just open our hearts and rip down the walls we have placed between us and God. Today is your day to make a new and fresh start with God. I hope if this spoke to you at all that you will sit down and speak to your creator and Savior. Remember if you ever need to speak to someone you can email us or leave a comment! I leave with you one more scripture that is a prayer for you! 

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14


      Monday, April 9, 2012

      Monday Praise April 9, 2012

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      Make Me An Answer!

      ...Weeping May endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning
      Psalm 30:5

      I am sure everyone is praising God after this amazing easter weekend! My husband and I, along with our children meet up with some family on Easter morning at Sea World. They have an annual sunrise service, and with it being our first year in FL we thought we would check it out. The gates opened at 5:30am and the service started at 6:30am. After a short introduction the group Selah lead praise and worship. The speaker was Angie Smith and she shared with us her touching testimony. All while the sun rose behind them on the stage. It was a beautiful and breathtaking service.

       Last night I reflected on our Fathers love. Oh how He must loves us to do what He did! I prayed for something I often pray for, but last night it felt different, with a renewed passion. I prayed that He help me to see what He sees. Not just in me but in others. Everyone has a story... Everyone has testimony. I can look back at my life and remember each time God was speaking to me and I either obeyed or disobeyed. I either listened or shut him out. I can also look back and see His hand working in my life. The directions my life took even when I was planning another. I just smile and praise Him for all those time. Because even when it made no sense to me it made perfect sense to Him. His plan is always the best.

      So I want to see what He sees, and feel what He feels. I don't want to go through life only worried about whats going on within the walls of my home, But I want to minister, to reach out and be used by him! Again we all have a testimony.. We all have something in our past that has formed who we are today. I would love to stop and get to know others and see what Jesus saw as hung from the cross.. To feel the love he felt to go through what he went through and do it all because he loved us! As much as we sometimes think nobody would understand.. The pain we feel is shared with others. And the healing that takes place is meant for them as well. So I encourage everyone to reach out.. And pray we see through His eyes. His just, compassionate, and loving eyes. Wow His love for us is so deep!

      So today I praise Him for all the small things, I praise Him that even when we feel unworthy he sees through all that to all the potentional in us he is just excited to see pour out of us! I praise Him that I have breath in my body so I can do His work. I praise God that he loves me, and That He Love you! So let's start Asking God that He make us an answer. There is a song by Ricard Sanchez that I love titled Make Me an Answer. I will post a link to it.. So this is my motto now. I wanna be an answer!

      "Through your eyes show me the ones to run to
      and I will Run!!"

      Do you want to be an answer? What is your testimony? What has God done in your life? I can't wait to hear all about it.
