Saturday, November 2, 2013

Give Thanks In Everything

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   Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will 
    of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

     This verse is not always an easy one to follow. Can I give thanks in EVERY circumstance? Can I be content in every area of my life? How does one do that?

I believe it all goes back to FAITH!

Faith in the God we say we believe in and trust in! I need things I don't have but I have the faith that God will provide for my needs. So I must give thanks to Him for providing for me and be content to wait on His timing and direction. Maybe He will lead my path to someone who can provide for the need I have? Maybe He will provide the extra finance for that need to be purchased?

Maybe my need isn't even something that can be purchased. Maybe my need is peace for guilt or fear I feel. Can I be thankful and content in those broken moments? Can I rest in the knowledge that God can bring healing to my wounds. Forgiveness to area I myself can't forgive?

Today there are SO many things I'm thankful for. So I think I will pick 2 for today :)

Rachel (myself)
#1 I'm thankful for safety in my everyday life and the lives of all my family. In the past few days there have been 2 senseless shootings in my area. Lives lost. Mothers gone. Men who could have been good in the world and making a good difference in the lives of others instead chose to ruin lives. Both of these instances happened in public places where other people were. Where anyone could have walked in on the gun attack. One at a grocery store & the other a country club. Please be in prayer with me for the families of these tragedies!

#2 I'm thankful I slowed down and shared a special moment with my two year old today. She wanted so badly to help me sweep & mop the dining room. With 5 kids (and often an extra or 2 here) our 115 year old hardwood floor gets dirty quickly. It really was impossible to sweep with her in the room and she was so saddened by it. So I slowed down and allowed her to help me mop. She delighted in this annoying chore. We went around the room chanting "back and forth, back and forth"...her little voice was so cute! As easy as it is to want to rush through & get chores done I must slow down and train my children in them more often. They enjoy the one on one time and learn valuable skills.
JJ (husband) Thankful for the new to us furniture. Our couch had been greatly loved by our children especially as a trampoline. So after the frame had been broken, repaired & re-broken it was gotten rid of leaving us with no couch. Then yesterday a dear friend thought of us when a few couches & chairs were needing a new home. So today they were placed in there new spots in our home. This was defiantly a chance for us to be thankful in our circumstances as our couch for awhile was just three plush cushions :)



Friday, November 1, 2013


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This Blog has felt like the title of this post MANY times now. I get going, I crash, burn and then REBUILD.  So I'm in the rebuilding stage again. WHY? Because I like to write and share my thoughts. Its stress relieving and healing for me. Maybe it is for someone who reads it also. With how busy and full my life is there aren't a lot of opportunities to write but when I do I feel like I am in MY zone. My zone is just being me. Being Real. Forgetting that anyone read this at all but knowing someone might read just what they needed to hear that day.

So I begin again. I rebuild! But truly its not I that rebuild after the crashing & burning that's happened in my life and soul. Its GOD who rebuilds me, He renews my strength to go on, He reveals who I am and how I need to be remade to look more like Him. He revives me with His power. He re-energizes me for the work of serving ahead. He refuels my faith by hearing and speaking His word. I am His beloved and He is mine. And I continue to trust that His ways are higher than mine and that He loves me with an everlasting love. So much so that He paid the price for my retched soul even before it knew of Him.

So for my rebuilding I will restart this blog in the best way I know possible in.


I plan to post often during this month of November the things I and my family are thankful for.  Ideally I will do this everyday but can not promise it will happen everyday.
So here it goes :)

Rachel(myself):Well I had planned on saying something real spiritual or loving but what I  am thankful for today is practical. I am thankful for PAPER TOWELS & WIPES for the dozen of spills, messes & diapers I cleaned up today! At least 4 spills and 4 diapers! What would we ever do without these wonderful inventions? LOL!

JJ (husband): (kinda embarrassed to post!) I am thankful for my wife. I love everything about her! (Gosh I love this man...just what I needed to hear this long day!)

Noah (8): My family

Jasmine (5): For the time she had with her cousin Faylynn (who went to Heaven in July).

Colin (3): "Um...for the sky? For the sky and then sun" - exact quote (love him!)

               THANKFUL FOR TODAY!!