Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Book Review: the Five Love Languages of Children

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    Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk
      in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself
           for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a
                                sweet-smelling aromas.
                                    Ephesians 5:1-2

The only regret I have in reading this book is that I didn't read it sooner. Any good parent knows their child needs love. But do we show them love in ways they really understand? Or do we only give love in the ways we feel most comfortable or ways we want to be loved? As follower of Christ we have the best example of love and the ways to show it but we must learn to put them into practice. Also to grow a deep relationship with our children (or anyone) we must sacrifice ourselves and take the time to see who they truly are and how we can best minister to them.

Did I say minister? Isn't that what pastors & priests are supposed to do? No we are all called to ministry, actually mothering is one of the highest forms of ministry. To minister is to help and serve. Synonyms of Minister go even deeper: aid, answer, attend to, cure, foster, heal, tend, treat, wait on, watch over, protect, provide for, and treasure. Doesn't this sound exactly like LOVE, like what we want to do as ministers to our children?

Now on the opposite side (antonyms) is disregard, ignore, neglect, hurt and injure. These are definitely NOT the things I want to be known for. But I know that sometimes I have been guilty of the very things I don't want to do. I'm caught up in the living with my children, the day in and out work of it all, that I forget to minister to them. And in truth actually neglect their souls that need to feel love. I rush through things and forget to speak to them in the way each of them understand love. As I've read this book I'm am actively trying harder to show each of my children love in the way they feel it the most.

The 5 Love Languages of Children   -     
        By: Gary Chapman, Ross Campbell
In this book it deals with much of what the previous paragraphs of my own thoughts have expressed. This book explains the 5 love languages in life and examples of how to express them to those we love. This book mainly focus's on children but there is also sections in the back that discuss Anger and Love, Speaking the Love Language in Single Parent Homes and Speaking the Love Languages in Marriage. After finishing this book I purchased a copy of the Five Love Languages (for couples)....hoping to read this with my husband in the near future.

So what are the 5 Love Languages? Well I will give you a list here and then go get a copy of the book for yourself and discover more!

1. Physical Touch
2. Words of Affirmation
3. Quality Time
4. Gifts
5. Acts of Service

Here is a link to purchase the books:

The 5 Love Languages of Children   -     
        By: Gary Chapman, Ross Campbell

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts   -     
        By: Gary Chapman

The 5 Love Languages of Teenagers: The Secret to   Loving Teens Effectively  -     
        By: Gary Chapman

and DVD

The 5 Love Languages, DVD   -     
        By: Gary Chapman

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