Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday Praise March 12, 2012

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Love one another with brotherly affection. Out do one another in showing honor.
                                                                                          Romans 12:10 

The past few weeks I have been missing my mother so very much! She is the type of woman who can set her eye on a task and work endlessly with out rest until it is done. As I sat in a sea of boxes surrounding me I thought about my mother and I could almost hear her voice encouraging me to push through and unpack just one more box.  My mom is an amazing woman and she is not afraid of a little elbow greece. Either way I know it has been hard for her knowing she is so far away from us as we went through this move.. I must say it has been a rocky one at times. Not to mention being apart from her grand kids! 

My mother had knee surgery over a month ago and has been off work, and I know that hasn't  been easy for her. But it has allowed me to feed my "Mamitis" (a word used in my family to describe the need for your mommy lol!). With her being at home I can call her anytime I needed to hear her voice. She would have loved to have come down during this time but because of her surgery, her physical therapy is so important.  

She has vacation time planned in May to come visit but she was debating on keeping it because she didn't want to finally return to work and then be off again.  So it was looking like it might be August before she could visit. However as we know this is our Monday Praise.. So I praise God that He has made a way for her to be able to come TOMORROW!  We are surprising the kids with her visit too, It's going to be another great week. My moms presence it going to be awesome.  

I hate being so far apart from my Mom but my God gives me peace because I know I am in His will, and my life depends on Him. He is my provider, my savior, my Lord and nothing and no one compares but He also heard my prayer and made a way when there was no way! 

I urge you to reach out to people you love this week a simple call, text or email will mean a lot. People like to know they matter, that they are not forgotten. Especially those who came before and paved the way for us. Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Even friends and mentors.. Lets reach out to them this week, tomorrow is not promised. Rachel my sweet friend and co-blogger knows that all to well, as she has expressed in a previous post. But I also praise my God that she is such an amazing and strong woman. One who is building a legacy for her children built on Gods Word!  

If you have a praise report of your own we would love to hear about it! 

Have a Blessed week!

The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense.

                                                                                                        Proverbs 27:9 

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