Sunday, April 15, 2012

Monday Praise

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When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.  And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.
                                                                     Acts 2:1-4 

You know that feeling you get when 'something' is telling you to not do something or to talk to someone? You know when 'something' is urging you to not say something you shouldn't? Or when you are in a difficult moment there is just 'something' telling you that you can do it!  Well it isn't just 'something'! Some people may call it your conscience. The definition for conscience is the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one's conduct or motives, impelling one toward right action. Well what is that really? Its really the Holy Spirit of God trying to urge you, lead you, guide you, and comfort you.

The Holy Spirit was given to us as a gift that conects us to God in a special way. Each time we hear it though, we must make the choice to listen to it or push it aside! Please realize that the Holy Spirit is there to help you & to comfort you. He is an important part in your relationship with God. But know that if you chose not to listen you are pushing him away and your heart will begin to become hard and calosed. A calous is like that hand of a hard working laborer. You can put a needle far into him hand and he won't be bothered. But poke that same needle into the hand of a young child and you will hear very quickly that they felt it! Maybe this is another example of how we must be like a child to enter the kingdom of God. A young child who has not yet been hardeded by the troubles of life or who has been taught to give them over to God will show unconditional love to those around him and wil have faith in God no matter what. To function properly as a loving, caring, fruit - filled person you need your heart to be soft and inviting not a brick wall that people run into.

How can we soften our hearts once they become hard? Begin to feed your heart love! Read the gospels (even if you have before) and allow the truth of what Jesus did for you while you were yet in sin really sink into that heart of yours! Read Psalms and find comfort there. Read Proverbs and find wisdom for your life. Feed your heart by worshiping God! Open your mouth and thank Him for what he is done, say out loud who He is to you! Then find ways to reach out to others! It is so true that "a hurt people, hurt people" but if a person will give that hurt over to Jesus then that hurt person can actually help heal other people. Jesus wants you to give over your pain to Him so he can redeem it, and set you free! Carrying hurt and unforgiveness only leads to more pain for you not the person you won't forgive! "Forgive or what they did to you will eat up your today & tomorrow. Don't forgive because they deserve it or because they are nice but because you need peace & strength for today". Forgive because your Heavenly father graciously forgave you! Begin doing these things and you will once again hear the Holy Spirit speak to you but this time LISTEN! Listen and obey quickly! Do not hestitate, to not wonder about what might happen, surrender to Jesus!

Know that God has the best plan for your destiny and He wants more than anything to lead you into it and help you fulfil it. But you must have faith in His plan and surrender to Him. Don't have pride that says " I can handle this on my own" for we were not made to handle this world on our own. Independance is a lie of Saten and a trick of the world. God doesn't want us to be dependant, loners! He created us as social being mostly to learn to rely on Him and his plan but also to comune with others! Every single step in life, every decision, every goal and plan should be driected by the one who created us, who created EVERYTHING!

Today is our "Monday Praise" here on Light for a Woman's Path. My praise today is a thank you to my Heavenly Father for knowing that I would need His presence even when I can't see him or feel Him with my natural body. I thank him for giving me the Holy Spirit! This week I have got to see His Holy Spirit at work more than I have for awhile. I had let life get in the way of me seeing His work and hearing His leading. This week I was often led to listen to different Pastors speak and could feel God's Holy Spirit raise up and me and convict me and speak to me. I saw the Holy Spirit reveal to us something that might seem so minimal to some but was huge to us and right when we needed it through an experience with our cat! I saw the Holy Spirit working when my husband said hi to a friend as he was picking up his son from school. I saw Him at work as my husband and this man began to minister strength to each others spirits. I saw the Holy Spirit at work when someone stopped by and invited my husband to a church service and when he came home renewed and strengthen. 

God really desires to be intimate with His children if we would just open our hearts and rip down the walls we have placed between us and God. Today is your day to make a new and fresh start with God. I hope if this spoke to you at all that you will sit down and speak to your creator and Savior. Remember if you ever need to speak to someone you can email us or leave a comment! I leave with you one more scripture that is a prayer for you! 

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14


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