Tuesday, May 22, 2012

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Good Morning Ladies!

Have you been reading these amazing Mother stories? I have been so encouraged by them and I hope you have too. Its not to late to add your own Mother story in, so just get with us before the end of the month to do so. While you are reading our blog don't forget to subscribe so you can get all the new posts and share our blog with your lady friends through email and face book.

So I'm wondering, how did you celebrate Mothers Day this year? My Mothers Day weekend was wonderful! It started on Thursday with serving a community meal to those in need. Then I was able to stop by the hospital to welcome my new niece Faylynn to the family. Babies are such a blessing and its beautiful to see God increasing the next generation of our family!

After my visit with Faylynn my son Noah and sister Natalie made a stop at the grave site of my mother to leave her some flowers for Mothers Day.  Events like new babies and Mothers Day her not being there seems so much harder. Faylynn is actually names after her grandma. My moms name was Sharon Fayth so my brother took Fay and added Lynn (her other grandma's middle name and mine). What an honor to be a name sake like that! Love you mom!

That evening I also was able to attend a Secret Keeper Girl program with my daughter Juliana (8months), my little sister Natalie (12) and my step mom Joyce. We had a wonderful time and were encouraged to spend more time with our heavenly father then we do in front of the mirror. As princesses of God's kingdom we need to spend time in the presence of the King. If you haven't checked out the ministry of Secret Keeper Girl yet take a few moments and look it up at http://www.secretkeepergirl.com/ .

Friday was some relaxing time with my children and then watched a new inspirational movie with my husband called the Grace Card - check it out, awesome stuff! I love seeing God's people bringing out great movies that I can enjoy with my family!

Saturday was spent celebrating family birthdays. My husbands was the 7th, my sister Natalie the 11th and my brother Michael's the 17th...busy birthday month and now we've added Faylynn's in the mix. Here is a funny picture from that party. My youngest found herself a new chew toy...daddy's hat! She is so silly and such a joy to have as part of our family.

Sunday morning we went to our church's service. My husband and several other men blessed the woman of the church by doing nursery duty. Here is a picture of my daughters in their matching outfits.

Sunday after nap time we finished off my Mothers Day weekend with a visit to my favorite restaurant. My oldest was spending some time with his grandpa's so it was just my husband and three youngest but we had a blast and some yummy food!

Ephesians 6:2
Honor your father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise;

Even if you weren't able to spend Mothers Day with you mom - remember her, find a way to honor her! For me its remembering her life, writing about her and placing flowers on her grave. For you it may be taking her to lunch, writing her a letter or just telling her what an honor it is for you to be her child! Take a moment and do something to honor her and the other mother figures in your life! God Bless each of you!


Monday, May 21, 2012

Veronica's Mom

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 “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.”
John 14:1-4

Sanida Jean Perez    July 11, 1961 - March 12, 2010

What my mom means to me, it's still hard to say that sometimes........ my mom  was a wonderful woman. We didn't have that best friend relationship that alot of girls have with their mom but that's ok. Growing up you never think that you're parents won't be around, but then one day they aren't. 

Growing up I was able to pull alot of things over on my mom, for the most part I wasn't a bad kid. I didn't get into a lot of trouble. Then I became pregnant at 16.....that was a total game changer. My mom really amazed me the way she helped me, that was after she got over the anger. She made sure I finished school, she would not let me drop out. That wasn't an option for me in her mind. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that she married my dad so young and didn't finish school, she wanted better for her kids. She didn't work so she could take care of her grandson so I could go to school. That was the type of person she was. 

She wasn't the most religous but she would do whatever she could to help anyone out, family or friends. For a moment my relationship with my mom (well both of my parents) was a bit rocky so I moved out. Moving out was just the thing needed to improve our relationship. Ok fast forward, one of my cousins had a baby, and without going into much detail he was taken away from her. He could have been adopted by someone else and we never would have seen him again, well my mom did not like that idea at all, she stepped up and decided to take him in. Then wouldn't you know it my cousin ended up pregnant again, well needless to say that baby was taken from her the moment after she had her. While yes that may seem cruel, it really is a good thing. I now have a wonderful little brother and sister!! Well shortly after my little sister was born my dad had a massive stroke and was in the hospital for many years. My mother completely ignnored her health and made sure she was always there for him. We could see the emotionally and physical toll it took on her, but any time we told her to do this or do that we'd get "I'm fine." More time passed and we lost my dad, then just as things are starting to feel a bit normal and we find out that my mom had cancer. She fought the good fight but unfortunately she lost. Not a day goes by that I don't miss my mom. Some days are better than others. My mom was a kind, thoughtful, sweet, funny woman, she really was the glue that held our family together. In my entire life I have never heard anyone say anything bad about her. 

Because of her I learned to be kind, compassionate and try to help in any way I can. I know it is a bit cliche but the world was a better place with her in it and will forever be different with her gone. So for those of you that still have your mom make sure you say you love her, tell her what she means to you because one day your whole world can change, And for those of you that don't have the best relationship with your mom, work on it, make it civil because at the end of the day she still is your mom and wheter you realize it or not you will miss her.


“Has this world been so kind to you that you should leave with regret? There are better things ahead than any we leave behind.”  ~ C.S. Lewis

Thank You so much for sharing this with us Veronica! 
I pray it make all of us evaluate our relationships and adjust them according to the will of God. 

We will continue to honor our mothers during the rest of May by posting your letters and words about your mothers. Please submit your entries at


Friday, May 18, 2012

Jessica's Mom

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Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also also, and he praiseth her.
Proverbs 31:28

You know that verse in 1 John that talks about not just loving in words, but in action and truth?Well that summarizes my mother's life. 

She is constant...

Love in motion. 
Love in action. 
Kinetic love. 
Jesus love.

 She isn't the epitome of perfection, as none of us is or ever could be. But her heart is the epitome of perfect love. All I can say about this is, I am blessed to have a role model on loving like I'm sure Jesus did when he walked the earth for thirty-three years. I love you, Mom. And I love you, Jesus.Thank you for Your awesome blessings.

Jessica and her mom Jeannitta

My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.
1 John 3:18


Its not to late to honor your mom!! We will be posting your thoughts and letters throughout the rest of May!
submit them at 
Check out thewordmommy.blogspot.com for my personal blog!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Morgan's Mom :)

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Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
 Proverbs 31:30 

A few years ago I would have said that I want to be just like my mom only for her benefit. I didn’t really want to be just like her. I thought she was too spiritual, too busy, and too unfair. I would tell her exactly what she wanted to hear to get her off my back. When 
you’re twelve…life is hard.

But now…now that I am fifteen (almost sixteen) I could truly say that I would want to be just like her. I watch her interact with people, and I see how loving and caring she is. She has always been that way with me, but I’m so used to it. She genuinely cares about what you have to say. She listens and gives advice with her whole heart (Hence, the fact that she is a counselor!) 

Angie & Morgan
Recently, my family just went to New York. I love vacation with my family, but sometimes it can be a bit stressful with all of us together – and only us – for so long. And I have realized just over a short period of time that my mother sacrifices a lot to make everything perfect for us. She may give up the window seat for my sister or let us have the last few sips of her water even if she was absolutely parched. It is just all the little things that build up. I’ve never really noticed before how truly selfless she is.I have a lot to thank my mother for. I know that I can go to her about anything – even though I don’t. And even though I tease her endlessly about counseling, she always gives me good advice. Sometimes, I don’t believe that her methods will work but then I remember that she was once a teenager and probably went through some of the same things that I do. More often times than not, my mother is correct. (Yes, Mom, let the record stand that I did just say that you were right.)

I simply cannot imagine my life without my mom. Actually yes I can. It’s called no clean clothes, Ramen noodles every night, and a starving dog. I’m very lucky…no, blessed…to have someone that is actually there for me. We always hear about the druggie, alcoholic, or nonexistent mothers. Honestly, if my mother were like that, I would be very screwed up. My mom has kept me grounded through a lot of the rough parts in my life where I need someone to lean on. 

I find myself at a loss for words at this point. There is so much to say, but I don’t know how to put it into words. All I can say is that my mother is probably the one person that I will always look up to and hold on a pedestal. For Mother’s Day, I wish that I could buy her anything that she has ever wanted to repay her for everything that she has done for me and how she has changed me. 

So yes, Mom, I do love you even if I don’t always act like it. I know you say that you don’t want me to ever grown up……But if I don’t grow up, how can I be just like you?


Thank You Morgan!! 
We will be posting any letter or post submitted throughout the month of May! Email your submission to honor your Mother to;


Melissa's Mom

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 I have the BEST mom. Others will argue but yes, yes, I DO have the world’s greatest mom and I didn’t always feel this way but thankfully now I know what a treasure GOD has given me and my family.
 I don’t have to get into the details on how my mother found herself a single mom raising 2 girls. It would take too much time to list all the reasons why she was and is the strongest woman I know.  Everything she did, all the struggles she endured, was to give us what we needed and to create the best home she possibly could for us. Not once did she sacrifice her integrity, or let go of her faith in God. Everything was done selflessly. She was and always will be a woman of “noble character.”  Yet, so many years I spent trying to get away from her. Between my teenage years and my twenties I could not understand how she could expect me to live up to her standards. She had a level of expectation for me and I could not see myself fitting into that. I thought those standards were old fashioned and she was being narrow- minded. You see, there was never a time in my mom’s life where she wasn’t serving the Lord. She has always been a faithful servant of GOD. She was righteous, and so every time I rebelled and did something against what she taught me I felt more “unrighteous”, not good enough. So I drifted further away. (Too bad I didn’t know about Grace then!) I won’t get into where my disobedience led me. I am thankful for those times as they can serve as experience and wisdom.  It wasn’t until my late twenties that I started realizing why I needed to be more like her.  I had seen examples of “mothers” that were opposite of what my mother was and I knew I didn’t want to be them. I took a look in the mirror and saw myself standing on the line between the two and it was up to me to determine what side I was on. I began to understand what my mom was trying to prepare me for. I also thought about the women in my family and those character traits that they possessed and knew that when I became a mother I needed to be more like them.

 “Guide older woman into lives of reverence so they end up as neither gossips nor drunks, but models of goodness. By looking at them the younger woman will know how to love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house be good wives. We don’t want anyone looking down on Gods Message because of their behavior.”  
Titus 2:3-5

  So needless to say, now at 31 years of age, I am a wife, a mother of 3 boys and a faithful servant to God and completely and utterly grateful to the woman who gave me guidance, standards, and who expected.  She gave me the greatest weapon in life, the first thing that I need to conquer ALL things in Life and that is GOD, my Christ Jesus, and the blessed Holy Spirit. Her standards weren’t simply her standards they were HIS standards and to me that is the greatest gift that any mother can give a child. It encompasses all things. Love you MOM!!!! You are my inspiration, my guide, you set the standard. 


Thank you Melissa for sharing this with us!
We will continue to share these heartwarming Letters throughout  the month of May. 
It's not to late to submit and share with us. 
Email your entry to

Don't forget to like, share, subscribe, and follow us, Because we be honoring our Mothers the entire month of May!

May you be blessed!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Honor our Mothers & Sharla's Mom

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And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you 
sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, 
and when you lie down, and when you rise.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7 

This month Rachel and I are so excited to give you the opportunity to honor your mothers through "Light for a Woman's Path". We have invited women of all ages to share with us alittle about their Mothers and what they mean to them. I have enjoyed reading these and I am really excited to share them with you! Tonight we open the invitation up to everyone one of our readers who would like to do the same. Through out the entire month of May we will be sharing the beautiful words written by you on LFWP. Weather you still live with your mother, or your mother lives in heaven with our loving God, we invite you to email your letters to us telling us about your mom and what she means to you.

Email us at  lightforawomanspath@gmail.com  and we will inform you when your letters are posted.

Here are just a few ideas if you would love to write about your mom, but feel like you don't know where to start.

What lessons have you learned from her
What amazes you about her
What memory of her is your favorite
What would you love to tell her today
What would you love to thank her for...

We start tonight with words from Sharla of her Mother Molly. I must say I have the privlage of knowing Sharla and I can say she is a young Lady that to this day blows me away with how much love she has for her family and for her Mother. Sharla has amazing strength and I can now see she gets it from her Mother.


My Mom

Submitted By 
Sharla Burgess

My mom means the world to me. She is my hero and my best friend. 
She is the only person that has been there my whole life and the strongest person I've ever known.
She's the one who worked hard to make sure I had food on my plate, clothes on my back and a roof over my head.
She's the one who taught me right from wrong. The one who hugs me till the last tear is gone.
She's the one who quit the job she loved so she could stay home and homeschool me, because I couldn't handle the pressure of public school.
She's the one who tells me she loves me every night before bed even if we have just had a fight.
She's the one who lost her eyesight, couldn't see anything but still managed to homeschool her children, cook three meals a day, and take care of a baby.
She's the reason I have a relationship with Jesus Christ.
All these reasons are why my Mom means the world to me.

Sharla and her mother Molly

Thank you Sharla for sharing with us. What an honor to be a mother and share the Love of Christ with our children! May we all strive for just that! 
I invite you to share your words for your Mother. 
Thank you and be blessed! 
