Saturday, May 12, 2012

Melissa's Mom

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 I have the BEST mom. Others will argue but yes, yes, I DO have the world’s greatest mom and I didn’t always feel this way but thankfully now I know what a treasure GOD has given me and my family.
 I don’t have to get into the details on how my mother found herself a single mom raising 2 girls. It would take too much time to list all the reasons why she was and is the strongest woman I know.  Everything she did, all the struggles she endured, was to give us what we needed and to create the best home she possibly could for us. Not once did she sacrifice her integrity, or let go of her faith in God. Everything was done selflessly. She was and always will be a woman of “noble character.”  Yet, so many years I spent trying to get away from her. Between my teenage years and my twenties I could not understand how she could expect me to live up to her standards. She had a level of expectation for me and I could not see myself fitting into that. I thought those standards were old fashioned and she was being narrow- minded. You see, there was never a time in my mom’s life where she wasn’t serving the Lord. She has always been a faithful servant of GOD. She was righteous, and so every time I rebelled and did something against what she taught me I felt more “unrighteous”, not good enough. So I drifted further away. (Too bad I didn’t know about Grace then!) I won’t get into where my disobedience led me. I am thankful for those times as they can serve as experience and wisdom.  It wasn’t until my late twenties that I started realizing why I needed to be more like her.  I had seen examples of “mothers” that were opposite of what my mother was and I knew I didn’t want to be them. I took a look in the mirror and saw myself standing on the line between the two and it was up to me to determine what side I was on. I began to understand what my mom was trying to prepare me for. I also thought about the women in my family and those character traits that they possessed and knew that when I became a mother I needed to be more like them.

 “Guide older woman into lives of reverence so they end up as neither gossips nor drunks, but models of goodness. By looking at them the younger woman will know how to love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house be good wives. We don’t want anyone looking down on Gods Message because of their behavior.”  
Titus 2:3-5

  So needless to say, now at 31 years of age, I am a wife, a mother of 3 boys and a faithful servant to God and completely and utterly grateful to the woman who gave me guidance, standards, and who expected.  She gave me the greatest weapon in life, the first thing that I need to conquer ALL things in Life and that is GOD, my Christ Jesus, and the blessed Holy Spirit. Her standards weren’t simply her standards they were HIS standards and to me that is the greatest gift that any mother can give a child. It encompasses all things. Love you MOM!!!! You are my inspiration, my guide, you set the standard. 


Thank you Melissa for sharing this with us!
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