Friday, May 18, 2012

Jessica's Mom

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Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also also, and he praiseth her.
Proverbs 31:28

You know that verse in 1 John that talks about not just loving in words, but in action and truth?Well that summarizes my mother's life. 

She is constant...

Love in motion. 
Love in action. 
Kinetic love. 
Jesus love.

 She isn't the epitome of perfection, as none of us is or ever could be. But her heart is the epitome of perfect love. All I can say about this is, I am blessed to have a role model on loving like I'm sure Jesus did when he walked the earth for thirty-three years. I love you, Mom. And I love you, Jesus.Thank you for Your awesome blessings.

Jessica and her mom Jeannitta

My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.
1 John 3:18


Its not to late to honor your mom!! We will be posting your thoughts and letters throughout the rest of May!
submit them at
Check out for my personal blog!

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