Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday Praise Thank you for your voice Father -Stella

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Now therefore, listen to me, my children, For blessed are those who keep my ways.
Proverbs 8:32

There is so much to praise My God for today it is so hard to narrow it down.. So how about we just praise Our God that He is still Speaking to us. 

My husband and have been praying for God to reveal His will for our family for a long time. Over the last 10 years God has been preparing us, and molding us to do his work and will. He has shifted our family and taken us from one state to another and we know that the time is now. The one thing that is still a struggle at times is timing. Not His timing, because His timing is perfect but our timing. 

My husband and I have been in what seems like the middle of a house renovation for years, even tho it has only been 2 months. So basically our days are full and maxed out!! We are so grateful that God has provided this house for us, provided for the move, for the renovations, for the strength, and peace in the middle of the transition. God is our source of life!! As "Humans" we tend to see what God is doing in the now.. like we are still renovating our house, we are still getting to know the state and city He has moved us to and so on. Our God sees past the now into the future.

During this time God has continued to speak to us about our family, children, ministry, and all the tasks He is preparing us to do. So He speaks to me when I am doing the dishes, running errands, He speaks to me in my dreams, and when I am doing laundry. At times he comforts me, at times He loves on me, at times He corrects me, at times He is giving me details about our ministry. and I admit sometime I wanna scream and remind Him (as if didn't already know) that we are still renovating, we have to get things out of storage, carpool, paint, rent the moving truck, move, organize, fill out paperwork, etc.... All while fasting, praying, reading our bibles, teaching our children, praying and reading with them as well.  Ahhhh! 

I have to stop and remember that as I sat there and wondered about the roof over my head, God had already taken care of it.

That as I wondered about the school for my kids, God had already lined it up.

That as we sat and wondered how we were to pay for the bills next month, God has already provided it.. 

That as you think about your daily life God has already seen it and taken care of it..

So what He is waiting on is for us to stop sitting there and wondering, and get up and work and move forward as if it was already done. Because what moves Him is not our daily struggles.. Yes He hears us, but He wants us to have Faith in Him.. He has already taken care of it.. what moves Him is His kingdom. He has work for us to do!! So as we live our daily lives don't worry and just continue to listen to God because He is speaking, He is telling you things that will impact and change lives. He is telling the secrets to success, He is giving you light for your feet, He is guiding your path!! 

So yes we are still raising our kiddos and renovating our house, but I am listening closely to all He is saying and writing it all down (I recommend journaling) Because just as he molded our family for this move.. I praise My heavenly Father because He wants to use me and my family, I praise Him because He is still speaking and that means my time here is not done, I still have a job to do, I still have a fight to fight and a race to run! I can't wait for eternity with my heavenly Father.. But while I am still In the earth I have WORK!! Praise God!!  


If you struggle with hearing from God please email me at 
It's something I struggled with for a while and I believe almost every Christian does too. So please there is no wrong question or concern.  

I also invite you to comment if this blog and post has helped you in any way, and share this blog with everyone.. We all need a little light for our Path.

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