Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Meeting Milestones

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And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years
                                                   Genesis 1:14

God created the division between day and night for us to use as signs, season, days and years. To often those years fly by us with out truly appreciating the gift of life God has given us. As I approach the end of a season for me and the begging of another I have decided I want to meet this milestone head on! I want to learn to cherish moments and live them intensely. So with purpose and determination I have made a 30 Before 30 List. I want to remember this last year of my 20's as one filled with smiles, laughter and great memories! I would love you to share what would be on your list! What do you do to celebrate milestone's in your life or loved ones? Here is my list! I will try to share pictures of the journey and lesson God teaches along the way! 

Blessings to you all!

30 things before turning 30 
  1. Go to Marblehead light house
  2. Visit the Toledo Zoo
  3. Read
    -Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eris Metaxas
    -The Screw tape Letters by C.S. Lewis
    -Uncle Toms Cabin
  4. Go on a Ohio Riverboat cruise - 4th of July 2013?
  5. Capture a special memory with each of my children - Live Each Day Intentionally
  6. Buy a new Digital camera
  7. Get a massage
  8. Intentionally help someone in need
    - serve at mission or pay it forward
  9. Re-learn to ride a bike (haven't really ridden since I was 12 and was hit by a car!)
  10. Take pictures in a photo booth with Noah
  11. Completely sew a dress for Jasmine (and even better if I got one done for Juliana too)
  12. Go to a Hot Air Balloon Festival - watch the balloons in the night sky
  13. Take a dance class
    - Hopefully with my husband, JJ
  14. Get wedding pictures copied & framed
  15. Write more and reach more people with my writing through the blog - 30 posts before 30
  16. Paint my bedroom
  17. Do Bradley Training
  18. Visit the Stowe House - 2950 Gilbert Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio
  19. Go to a Jazz Concert
  20. Go walking around the reservoir and work up to jogging
  21. Go horseback riding with my oldest, Noah
  22. Take an exercise class
  23. Learn to play 2 fulls songs on the keyboard
  24. Race Go-Cart's
  25. Place a gravestone on my moms grave site
  26. At least 2 day get away for our 10th anniversary
  27. Return to Amish Country
  28. Ladies get away or Ladies Conference
  29. Learn to bake bread that taste good
  30. Lose at least 10 lbs and purchase a new outfit to celebrate


Anonymous said...

Great goals to accomplish before yu are 30, I'm going to start working on mine for 35.

Rachel said...

Goal are very important to set in all areas of our lives! I would love to see what goals others set for themselves!