Tuesday, May 22, 2012

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Good Morning Ladies!

Have you been reading these amazing Mother stories? I have been so encouraged by them and I hope you have too. Its not to late to add your own Mother story in, so just get with us before the end of the month to do so. While you are reading our blog don't forget to subscribe so you can get all the new posts and share our blog with your lady friends through email and face book.

So I'm wondering, how did you celebrate Mothers Day this year? My Mothers Day weekend was wonderful! It started on Thursday with serving a community meal to those in need. Then I was able to stop by the hospital to welcome my new niece Faylynn to the family. Babies are such a blessing and its beautiful to see God increasing the next generation of our family!

After my visit with Faylynn my son Noah and sister Natalie made a stop at the grave site of my mother to leave her some flowers for Mothers Day.  Events like new babies and Mothers Day her not being there seems so much harder. Faylynn is actually names after her grandma. My moms name was Sharon Fayth so my brother took Fay and added Lynn (her other grandma's middle name and mine). What an honor to be a name sake like that! Love you mom!

That evening I also was able to attend a Secret Keeper Girl program with my daughter Juliana (8months), my little sister Natalie (12) and my step mom Joyce. We had a wonderful time and were encouraged to spend more time with our heavenly father then we do in front of the mirror. As princesses of God's kingdom we need to spend time in the presence of the King. If you haven't checked out the ministry of Secret Keeper Girl yet take a few moments and look it up at http://www.secretkeepergirl.com/ .

Friday was some relaxing time with my children and then watched a new inspirational movie with my husband called the Grace Card - check it out, awesome stuff! I love seeing God's people bringing out great movies that I can enjoy with my family!

Saturday was spent celebrating family birthdays. My husbands was the 7th, my sister Natalie the 11th and my brother Michael's the 17th...busy birthday month and now we've added Faylynn's in the mix. Here is a funny picture from that party. My youngest found herself a new chew toy...daddy's hat! She is so silly and such a joy to have as part of our family.

Sunday morning we went to our church's service. My husband and several other men blessed the woman of the church by doing nursery duty. Here is a picture of my daughters in their matching outfits.

Sunday after nap time we finished off my Mothers Day weekend with a visit to my favorite restaurant. My oldest was spending some time with his grandpa's so it was just my husband and three youngest but we had a blast and some yummy food!

Ephesians 6:2
Honor your father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise;

Even if you weren't able to spend Mothers Day with you mom - remember her, find a way to honor her! For me its remembering her life, writing about her and placing flowers on her grave. For you it may be taking her to lunch, writing her a letter or just telling her what an honor it is for you to be her child! Take a moment and do something to honor her and the other mother figures in your life! God Bless each of you!


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